All Entries Tagged With: "mercy"
Medical Mile Nurse Fight
Springfield, MO–The turf war simmering between Mercy and Cox hospitals is expected to boil this Friday night as a rumor has spread of a rumble between nurses from each hospital. “Cox is gonna have its day tonight” was overheard in a Medical Mile alleyway with a resounding reply of “Fair fight, but, if they start […]
Work Out Art Revealed at Mercy
Springfield, MO – Located on the Mercy campus in Springfield, a new piece of art has been intentionally designed to be dual purpose; a thing of beauty and a machine for making beautiful bodies. The apparatus is available for anyone who chooses to work out and participate in performance art. “We installed the ‘WorkArt’ as […]
Ark of Healthcare Found at Mercy!
Springfield, MO – Professor Illinois Jones made a significant historical find this week by discovering the Ark of Healthcare, a biblical relic that was long thought to be lost to the annals of time. Too holy to be placed on the ground or touched by one less than elite, one of the Bible’s holiest relics […]
Mighty Blue Beacon Lost in Night’s Sky
Springfield, MO – Local ambulances, patients and hospital visitors to St. John’s have had extreme difficulty locating the healthcare institution since the giant illuminated cross has been extinguished atop the structure. The cross served as a beacon of sorts, leading the infirm to a place of healing and hope. “I wandered the black night searching […]