Hipster Couple Mistakenly Enters Actual Old Bar

Old bar with unmanufactured atmosphere

Springfield, MO – Unwittingly Lars Nettles and Feather Presnorth, a hipster couple here in the Ozarks, stumbled into one of the area’s oldest and coolest bars by mistake. The duo are known for discerning taste in watering holes and the late night entrance into Silverleaf Taproom on Republic road was a rare swerve in straight line of decisions upon beer dispensing watering holes.

“Whoa,” said Nettles as he entered the bar and realized that old school charm existed well before he had been a smoke circle from his mother’s lips, “this bar has unmanufactured, original charm.” Presnorth was equally in shock, “This place is unironic…which is ironic.”
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Most hipsters equate this experience to having first entered the original Uncle Bentley’s when it was located on the corner of Republic and Fremont. “That place was it. Multi-leveled, dark and always filled with free popcorn. I will never forget that place…it is where I first tight rolled my pants near the pool table,” said Trent Sayerson, hipster-turned-seen-the-light.

According to historians, several local watering holes are still undiscovered by hipster couples like Lars and Feather, however researchers are claiming that once these fine establishments are recognized hipsters tend to cut ties with other friends and frequent the joints without disclosing their activities. “It is very hard to track the movements of hipsters without photographic evidence on Instagram. We can only hope that once they disappear from the grid that they have landed in a happy place, and that everyone will soon know their name,” said Dr. Phillip Hearsay.

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