Art Walk Preferred Over Science Stroll

ArtwalkScienceStrollSpringfield, MO—Early reports indicate that when given the choice, Springfieldians would rather attend the monthly Art Walk versus the Science Stroll. Both events occur on the first Friday of the month in separate locations in downtown Springfield.

The First Friday Art Walk takes place in multiple galleries situated near the heart of downtown. The Science Stroll is also downtown, but located north of the square in an abandoned factory building that is deteriorating. The Art Walk provides hundreds of interesting pieces of work to gaze upon while sipping wine and enjoying refreshments. The Science Stroll features 3-4 experiments each month and “Sci-Stollers”—as they are known—are required to bring their own food and drink, as well as any protection from experiments gone awry.

Julie Riggles, local Sci-Strolle, claims, “(art walk) isn’t fair. What has Art done to advance the progress of humankind? Science is what gives us the ability to not work all day long and enjoy things like ‘art’.”

Most people questioned on the streets of Art Walk were not even aware of the Science Stroll taking place mere blocks from them. “Serious? There is a lame event that people go to for science,” said Vincent Rummel, a local college student who was pounding free wine at a local gallery.

The organizers of the Science Stroll seemed angry when approached about the lack of success their event has enjoyed. Several members claimed to be “mad” and “scientist” at the same time. One person actually confessed to “taking over the bipedal leisure activities” in downtown Springfield with a brainwashing concoction made from….science.

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