Judge Orders Brixey to Hand Over Compact Discs

Most prized CD given to government

Springfield, MO – A federal judge on Monday approved a preliminary order of forfeiture against Mark Brixey, the former bookstore director at Missouri State University who stole $1.16 million, that requires Brixey to hand over 12 compact discs he has at his house.

The judge ordered Brixey to hand over 12 of his most-prized CDs in his music collection as a form of punishment for stealing more than one million dollars. Rumors are circulating but insiders suspect that his copies by artists such as Wham!, Nelson, Winger and the Baha Men.

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One source reported that Brixley was known to spend countless hours listening to his CDs while working at the bookstore, “He had this really old Sony Discman that he wore on his belt. It was yellow at one time, but a lot of the paint had fallen off…I guess it is a pretty light punishment considering he stole a ton of money.”

Citizens are mixed over the decision. “I mean he’s free, there’s no sentencing date and he was forced to give up some crappy compact discs….I think I might try stealing a million dollars if I wasn’t so connected to my 1989 Batman Movie soundtrack compact disc,” scoffed an enraged Ernest Groins, a current MSU employee.

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