Spring Wakens Famous Ozark Spotted Terror-weevil

A hideous Terror-weevil sees all

Springfield, MO- With warmer weather and brighter skies Ozarkians are looking forward to baseball, picnics, and the awakening of the spotted Terror-weevil. The Terror-weevil can only be seen in the months of March and April where it emerges from deep underground caverns. This emergence (called the Terror Bloom by 1800’s Hill folk) is a rare and spectacular sight for all to behold.

“The Terror-weevil is a wondrous sight to behold. It is 1-foot long and has 26 eyes, poisonous fangs, a 3-foot wing span, gives of a foul oder when in danger or in heat, and has mandibles able to snap a badger in two,” said Norm Scivvers, a local outdoorsman, “With dark coloring and body spots it has the perfect camouflage to hide under cars, in baby cribs, and dark corners of everyone’s houses. I can wait for its prey: everything.”

Once free from its 100-year slumber the Terror-weevil finds a home in numerous places among the Ozarks. Mostly looking for a warm dark habitat they prefer to nest under children’s beds, children’s closets, and children’s nightmares. In more rare circumstances the weevil can be seen in bathrooms, but only when a person notices nothing in the medicine cabinet mirror, opens it, then shuts it, when the person suddenly sees the TERROR-WEEVIL IN THE REFLECTION!

Now that the weevil has returned many people are looking forward to the annual Terror-weevil Festival. The festival has many activities such as whack-a-weevil, weevil painting, and an awful weevil petting zoo. “AHHH, NO! GOD NO!” said Amy Whitner, a 6-year old girl going through the petting zoo.

The Terror-weevil will only be able to be enjoyed for the next two months. On the last full moon of the season the weevil will give a blood curdling scream, twist its entire body around, and die. “The Terror Scream is a great site to witness“, says Jerry Spotwell, a Terror-weevil enthusiast. “No, wait not great…horrifying. It is totally horrifying.”

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