Mike’s Friends; Dan’s Friends Call For Cease Splashing, End of Dunk War


Mike's friends sneak up on Dan's friends "chicken fight" style

Chesterfield Aquatic Center, MO- Representatives from Mike’s friends and Dan’s friend called for an end to all splashing, hopefully paving the way to end the 15-minute dunk war. Mike and Dan have been friends since kindergarten, but have grown apart during their 4th grade year leading to some low-key hostilities. The powder keg was lit when boys challenged each other’s clique to an all out chicken war. Accusations of cheating flew, exploding in aquatic violence.

“It was such chaos, states Jimmy Rogers. “We don’t know which side splashed first, but we weren’t going to take it laying down.” After four of five minutes of splashing the escalation began.

“Tommy Saunders got on his back and started kick splashing so we had to retreat”, stated Dan. “And that is when Chris flanked them all and started dunking them like crazy. He took 2 or 3 out before he went down. Semper Fi.”

But, it did not stop there: banned biological weapons were quickly introduced to the theatre. “Megan, Mike’s big sister, came charging in shouting ‘Cooties, you all have cooties’”, stated Jimmy Rogers.

The battle continued until members from both party shouted, “Time, Time! I go something in my eye. Stop it. I am telling”

The boys then stopped and agreed to a peace treating even though Chris got two more good dunks in. The boys then forged an alliance and attacked the 1st graders in the kiddy area.

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