Billy Long Gets Well Fed, Fed Up

Ozarkers are well fed with being fed up

Springfield, MO—Missouri’s 7th  Congressional District hopeful Billy Long ate another meal and possibly made new political friends at the same time.  According to Billy it went like this.  “I was on a doughnut run for my staff when I came upon this group called the Well Fed Neighborhood Alliance.  I thought it was an offshoot of my campaign of being ‘Fed Up’.   I stopped and asked this old boy if he was ‘Fed Up?’ and this guy looked at me and said ‘Are you well fed?’”

This went on for about a half an hour.  Fed up-Well fed.  Fed up being well fed. And well fed about being fed up.  According to sources Long got so confused that his stomach started to hurt.

Before he knew it they were all sitting down to a chicken dinner.  Long was told that everything in the meal came from peoples’ backyards right here in the good ‘ol Ozarks. Said Long, “I still don’t know what side of the political fence they were on but they sure can cook well. I came away with some good recipes and some good strategies for Washington D.C.”

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