The Next Generation… | Jun 01, 2010 | Comments 0
Mike McMichealson
Motivational Columnist/Speaker
Ah yes, the Youth of America. Let’s consider what we have to look forward to shall we?
Been to the DMV lately? Well, let’s just say those folks don’t look so bad compared to the tattoo ridden, lip-ring wearing counter clerk at my neighborhood Subway. I hate to generalize—I mean, I am sure your kids are great—but for the most part, these kids today basically have no respect for authority, wouldn’t know the first thing about hard work and probably, at the end of the day, only care about one thing…themselves.
On the other hand, those are the same qualities that have driven me to become the only self-proclaimed motivational columnist in the Queen City…that is Springfield for all of you “out-of-towners.”
Listen, alls I am saying is, a lot kids aren’t ambitious, they don’t take care of themselves, they smell funny, are basically rude and most of them look like something out of a bad 80′s film. What are they trying to prove? We knew how to drink, smoke and get our girlfriends pregnant too, but back when we were growing up it was a bad thing…now, if you play your cards right, you get yourself a reality show.
Only a keen eye for detail would reveal what seems to be an unfortunate reality…the youth of America are much like its politicians…they love the attention but don’t really make a whole lot of sense most of the time.
So how do we motivate our youth you ask? I would say to the parents out there spank your kids in public regardless of their age and I mean hard, really make it sting. Whether your kids are 7 or 17, nothing like a good smack on the ass from Mom or Dad to put a kid back in his or her place. Remember, many times the true essence of motivation begins with humiliation.
As always, keep em’ comin’ and watch em’ go…
Yours Truly,
Mr. Mike McMichaelson
Filed Under: Opinion