MLK Celebrated with 24-Hour Sale! | Jan 18, 2010 | Comments 0
Springfield, MO—January 18th marks a day of social awareness, great sacrifice and fantastic deals now through closing at local retail stores. On this day people of all ages and backgrounds will come together to improve lives by spending less on goods they likely don’t need but would purchase at full retail prices any other time of the year.
Each year more Ozarkians are inspired to participate and get involved in the national holiday. “I think I will participate in the Million Dollars Off March on Macy’s this year, I could use some new slacks,” stated Joanie Pendergrass.
Dr. King devoted his life to equal rights. He taught that through nonviolence and service to one another, problems such as acquiring expensive garments, home décor and other overpriced consumer goods can be overcome.
Recounting the famous “I have a Deal” speech, Earl Jones, a Boliver native, recalled when he heard Dr. King long for a time “when every person in this country can buy one thing and get the next one free”, no matter what their race, religion or creed.
During this year’s day of service, the service industry will heed customer’s every wish. Boxing up gifts, delivering meals and providing non-essential solutions and resources to every man, woman and child.
“I think this day is special because Martin Luther King Jr. has been compared to great teachers such as Ghandi and Jesus, but they never had an entire day devoted in their name where great deals on consumer electronics are commonplace,” said Pastor Fred Cummins.
Filed Under: Living