Snowplow Driver Creates Snow Maze | Jan 08, 2010 | Comments 0
Springfield, MO—Kyle Hertz, a local snowplow driver for the City of Springfield created the area’s coolest snow maze out of boredom yesterday in the Battlefield Mall parking lot.
Hertz was credit with the artistic, mind-challenging creation after several hours of work and tedious snow plowing. According to sources, Hertz was seen plowing excess snow into an enormous mound, grading it out into a flat plane 8 feet tall, then carved cryptic paths to create a fantastic maze entrance into the food court entrance at Battlefield Mall.
“I had to park about 100 feet from the door, but I really enjoyed navigating the stimulating puzzle to gain entrance to the mall,” said Stacy Herzog. Several people filled the parking lot to attempt the maze configuration only to be left confused and lost in the labyrinth.
Joey Ferguson said, “I was in there for 45 minutes before I saw another person. And no the yellow wall is not from me, it was a dog. I swear.” At press time, no dogs were confirmed entering the maze.
“I usually do my job as normal, clean the streets, drop the salt, etc. But today I felt the need to express myself. In a way that no other snowplow driver ever has in this town. A snow maze made sense to me, so I did it, and people really seen to enjoy it,” said Hertz.
Battlefield Mall food court sales up 45% as nearly everyone who made it though the maze was extremely hungry and couldn’t resist purchasing some snack to soothe their problem solving induced hunger.
Filed Under: Weather