Ice Cycle-Slyde Opens After Snowfall

A sledder jumps from lane 3 to 5 at newly opened Ice Cycle-Slyde

A sledder jumps from lane 3 to 5 at newly opened Ice Cycle-Slyde

Springfield, MO—Snowy weather provided the catalyst for a Ice Cycle-Slyde, a new booming business located at the former Hydra Slyde site. Several teenagers attended the grand opening with their inner tubes, plastic sleds, steel runner mini toboggans and snow boards.

“A dude named Chip was taking a $5 entry fee; I don’t think he really worked there, he just said, ‘pay to sleigh’, so I gave him my money and had a blast,” said Jeremy Chixly, a sophomore at Glendale high school.

Sleders were seen jumping lanes, bruising tailbones and catching some major air at Ice Cycle-Slyde. “The snow covered lanes are so much better than the water tracks,” said the father of one teen in attendance, “I used to be a Hydra Slyde freak in the 70’s and 80’s but nothing compares to the ice, snow and sleet that we’re skating on today.”

No official business address or phone number was available for Ice Cycle-Slyde, fueling speculation that the entire endeavor was a loosely organized gathering of trespassing thrill-seekers on snow.

“I wish Wet Willy’s was still around, I would sled the shite out of that place,” said Duke Lemmonford. Observers watched the Ice Cycle-Slyders from broken down couches and old furniture deposited at the site.

“Holy crap! I just jumped from lane 3 to 5,” said one overjoyed snow sledding patron.

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