Artwalk’s Blazin’ Brownies are N.O.R.M.L.

Brah's blazin' baked brownies add kick to Artwalk

Brah's blazin' baked brownies add kick to Artwalk

Springfield, MO—The Springfield, Missouri branch of The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws served baked brownies Friday night during Artwalk. Passer-bys were greeted with friendly smiles at the booth and occasional outbursts of chuckles.

A spokesperson for the group said, “Through this bake sale we hope to spread awareness of our cause, and keep Springfield citizens informed of all the latest legislative news regarding the campaign for responsible reform.”

Jenny McAbrahms, a local accountant, purchased some baked goods from the booth and said, “they tasted a bit funny, but brah they were soo good.” Her husband Nick confessed he never had such a good time while at Artwalk. He insisted every piece of art was “Sweet, yeah man. Oh bro, it was. (cough cough achoo).”

Artwalk organizers claim sales of purchased art soared Friday night, especially around those studios positioned around the square, where the N.O.R.M.L. baked brownie booth was set up.

Even a few participants sold goods as “art” when approached by others. Leo Timinsky sold his stocking cap to a man who kept asking him “wass happenin?” Next month several art galleries are requesting that the stoners set up in front of their galleries to encourage sales.

“It is time to reform counterproductive laws that are hurting the American economy, the American penal system, and most importantly American citizens,” said one art shop owner eager to take advantage

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