All Entries Tagged With: "school"

On Campus Rule Prompts Drury-ville Camps, Lean-tos
Springfield, MO – Following news requiring most students to live on campus, several hooverville-esque tent camps have sprouted around the university grounds. Citing mounting debt concerns, hundreds of students are planning to tough it out on campus in makeshift shelters to abide with the new code. “I’m looking forward to the sense of community we […]

Evangel University Offers Mrs. Degree
SPRINGFIELD (MO) – Curriculum directors at Evangel University announced this week that they will start offering Mrs. degrees this fall as part of their overall academic program. “This is a new and exciting change for Evangel,” said Christof Thrushers, head of Evangel’s Mrs. degree program, “Most of the curriculum is written and we are assembling […]

High School Students Looking Forward To End of the Year Major Revelations/Complete Closure
Springfield, MO- High school students all over Springfield are looking forward to the end of school not only because of summer break being right around the corner, but the end of the year revelations and total closure each school year brings. “It is just like all the movies,” said high school junior Alex Randish. “All […]

Student Misses School Closing Screen Crawl
Springfield, MO—Jude Kimmers, a sophomore at Hillcrest High School totally missed the “s” section of the school closing screen crawl on the local news this morning. According to his sister, Jamie, Kimmers had been watching the morning news in hopes that Springfield Public Schools would close due to icy road conditions. “Jude was glued to […]
MSU Drops “M” From Name
MSU proposed name change to SU Jefferson City – The president of Missouri State University, Dr. Michael T. Nietzel, said he proposed last week that the University of Missouri support a name change for his institution and discussed enhancing collaboration between the two universities. Support for the name change would coincide with the school’s centennial […]