All Entries Tagged With: "Ozark Empire Fair"

Kid Brother Destroys Route 66 Lego Creation at Fair
Springfield, MO – The hard work and intricate detail that went into constructing Route 66 at the Ozark Empire Fair was completely destroyed this week, reportedly by Lego Man’s little brother–scattering dreams over three 6-foot long tables. The destruction was discovered after Lego Man returned from a lunch break and he immediately shouted, “James, I […]

Ozark Empire Fair Introduces Fried Cashew Chicken on a Stick
Springfield, MO – Fairs have long been associated with different, new ways of preparing fried food, but this years’ extraordinary culinary award has been given to a vendor who is providing fried chicken bites on a stick with a bit of cashew sauce as a gravy for dipping. The fried food committee praised the new […]

14-Year-Old Girl Nearly Died of Embarrassment at Ozark Empire Fair
Springfield, MO- Tragedy was adverted yesterday when 8th grader McKenna Barnsworth almost died by embarrassment caused by her totally lame dad, weirdo mother, and freakaziod little brother. Luckily McKenna left the fair before the embarrassment got to lethal levels. “I can’t believe you are doing this to me,” shouted McKenna on the way to the […]

Man at Fair Deep Fried, Eaten
Springfield, MO—Jeffery Green, a local accountant, met with tragedy yesterday at the Ozark Empire Fair when he was accidently battered, fried, and quickly devoured by local fair attendees. The feeding frenzy was so quick no one was identified or charged. The fair apologized to Green’s family and offered them a stuffed gorilla and a White […]

No Fear for Fare at Fair
Springfield, MO—Carnies and foodies will unite this weekend at the Ozark Empire Fair after safety inspections clear the way for vendors and their fare. Local fair food enthusiast Gumby Fritzle has volunteered to walk the fair grounds sampling foods throughout the event, and will be dubbed the Public Snacking Officer. Says Fritzle, “I did this […]