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7th District Hopefuls Have No Vote

Springfield MO—The voting records for all three candidates running for the 7th congressional house seat appears to be rare or non-existent.  Each candidate has admitted for whatever reason, that they could not get out of bed and go vote on Election Day. Democrat Scott Eckersley has only voted twice in the past eight years.  “Frankly, […]

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Cofer’s Address Focuses on Bow Tie Usage

Springfield, MO— In his first State of the University address, the new president of Missouri State University didn’t just try to motivate, he stressed the importance of the bowtie. James Cofer outlined many challenges, most notably, the adoption of an oft-overlooked men’s accessory. “The bowtie has served me well over the years, and I feel […]

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Biden Visit “Big Effin’ Deal”

Springfield, MO—On Thursday Vice President Joe Biden was greeted by Springfield residents with a huge banner that read “Have a nice Effin’ Visit”. Biden, who will attend a private fundraiser for Senate hopeful Robin Carnahan (D), has only a few hours scheduled in the Ozarks before he zips off to another campaign stop in Seattle, […]

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Giant Motionless Robot Attacks!

Springfield, MO—At twenty minutes before eight, central time, Professor Farrell of the Missouri State University Observatory, reported observing several explosions of incandescent gas, occurring at regular intervals on the planet Mars. Moments later a large, mostly immobile Martian robot was seen hovering over Jordan Valley Park. The expressionless metallic invader stuck fear into nearby park […]

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SGF City Council Stares at Goats

Springfield MO—People that hope to raise chickens in their backyards may soon have goats to go along with them.  An attempt to allow the citizens of Springfield to have two goats on their property is being sponsored by Tom Tuttle, president of the Ozark Goat Ropers Club. “With all this newfound evidence of growing and […]

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Students Read, Drink and Make Love

Republic, MO—Local students have learned that by reading books they can learn how to get drunk, and live promiscuous lifestyles. Usually these traits are picked up genetically or by observing the behaviors of their parents. Fortunately, two communities in the Ozarks are providing safe havens for students who don’t want to learn about drinking and […]

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Snuggies Allowed in R-12 Classrooms

Springfield MO -  In an effort to reduce energy costs in the Springfield public schools, all teachers will be wearing the popular “Snuggie” in the classroom.  “We recently sent out a memorandum stating that due to high energy consumption,  personal space heaters, coffee makers, refrigerators, popcorn makers, and microwave ovens will no longer be allowed […]

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Bed Bugs Bite; MSU Tuck-Ins Awesome

Springfield, MO—Missouri State University is addressing a growing pest concern by offering a “tuck-in” service for all students who are fighting with bed bugs. According to sources, a residence advisor will visit dorm rooms that are reporting pest problems, tuck each student into bed and recite the phrase, “sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs […]

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Eckersley To Live In Van By The River If Elected

Springfield MO.-  Seventh congressional candidate Scott Eckersley has vowed not only to take a pay cut if elected, but to cut other expenses by living in his camper van by the Potomac River in Washington D.C..  “I recently came out and said I would take a lower salary from the $174,000.00 representatives make down to […]

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Billy Long Cardboard Cutout Agrees to Debate

Springfield MO -  After weeks of negotiations between the seventh congressional candidates, Billy Long has agreed to a question and answer session between himself and his democratic opponent Scott Eckersly.  The date for the event is scheduled for November 1st, one day before the election.  According to the terms of the debate, sources have indicated […]

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Drury Bike Program Rolls On

Springfield MO-Students at Drury University in Springfield will now have a choice to help the environment by using a bike around campus.  The bikes are part of the students’ sustainability tuition fee.  This fee was approved by students years ago and must be used for the helping the environment as well as being a benefit […]

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SGF Rents Giant Shop Vac To Remove Water

Springfield, MO—After presenting two forms of identification and laying down a $50 deposit, The City of Springfield has rented a giant shop vac to remove rainwater from roads, bridges and basements. The 6000-gal. 2,300HP shop vac was deemed necessary following heavy rainfall on Wednesday, when 6 to 10.5 inches of rain covered the city causing […]

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Outlaw Gang Tracked to Sherwood Forrest

Springfield, MO—Greene County Sheriff’s deputies have tracked an outlaw gang to a Southside neighborhood in Greene County known as Sherwood Forrest located off highway 160 or Campbell Avenue. According to reports, the gang is responsible for multiple thefts across the city, numerous acts of mischief and several drive by arrow shootings. Local resident Gloria Shiffold […]

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Springfield Library Features Burning Books Display

Springfield, MO—The Springfield-Greene County Library District will unveil new  burning books displays this week at its six campuses. A prominent endcap will be constructed in each location that will house several books set on fire in an attempt to educate the public on past book burnings. The burning of books has a long history as […]

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Ravenwood South Secedes From City, State, Union

Springfield, MO—On Monday, the Ravenwood South neighborhood association voted to secede from the City Of Springfield, the state of Missouri and the Union in a 7-1 vote. The association claimed that mounting city, national and state government debts are burdening the neighborhood, and “our homeowners deserve a chance to try to govern ourselves.” Ravenwood South […]