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County Jail Photos Scanned for Potential Mate
Springfield, MO – Local criminals are taking to the Greene County Jail photo gallery of bookings to find a potential mate. Hosted on the SpringfieldNewsleader site, users refer to the gallery via multiple names including, and “The crime and courts gallery allow those interested in finding a partner to match their criminal […]

Mike the Intern
You saw them. You remember them. Those commercials pushing the GREATEST POWER BALLADS OF ALL TIME!!!!!!!!! In some cases, these songs were written by guys wearing just as much makeup as the women they were trying to hook up with. So let’s get right down to it. Mike The Intern’s Kinda OK Power Ballads of […]

Farmers Looking Forward to New Farmer’s Park
Springfield, MO – Hundreds of local farmers are eagerly anticipating the opening of new Farmer’s Park this spring. A place to relax and play is exactly what most hard working farmers need during the busy season. Farmer Joe Bronston is envisioning “a large slide where farmers can swoosh down into soft cotton,” and Mary Bilgeratt […]

Springfield Town Leaders Call “Hit” On Old Man Winter
Springfield, MO- With winter weather once again looming over Springfield, many city officials are turning to desperate measures to assure their town will not be in another icy abyss. During an emergency meeting Superintendent Norm Ridder (sick of so many snow days) and Mayor Bob Stevens decided to use government assets to fund various hit men and bounty hunters to “take care of” Old Man Winter. “Sure $100,000 is quite a […]

City Hails New Super Hero: Mr. Hot Legs
Springfield, MO – A new super hero, known as Mr. Hot Legs, revealed himself yesterday by saving 2 women stranded in a frozen lake after their vehicle slid off a neighborhood road. According to the police report the man realized that action was needed immediately and he used his super human power of “warm legs” […]

Children Build Preemptive Snowman
Springfield, MO – Upon hearing the news that Springfield Public Schools preemptively cancelled school today, dozens of children screamed in excitement, ran outside and immediately began building preemptive snowmen. “It was so sweet. My daughter ran out the front door and began to pantomime rolling in the snow, then she made a snow angel in […]

Donkey, Chicken Fed Weed to Predict Outcome of SuperBowl
Springfield, MO – A local man claimed to have fed a donkey and chicken proportionate amounts of weed to predict this year’s SuperBowl results. According to his amateur study, the animals were given 6 points if they made a successful attempt to the feeding trough, and an extra point if they took a drink of […]

Obama Encourages Nation to Try Springfield-Style Cashew Chicken
Springfield, MO – During the State of the Union address, President Obama urged all citizens of the United States to try Springfield-style cashew chicken as it “tastes really, really good.” The President continued, “not only does it taste good, but it is a perfect symbol of our current State of the Union. A common ingredient […]

Attorney General Investigate Strickland Propane
Jefferson City, MO – Attorney General Chris Koster announced his office is investigating the cause of the recent rise in the price of propane gas, and is focusing the inquiry with Strickland Propane. Dozens of consumers have filed complaints with the Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division against Strickland Propane, a propane and propane accessories supplier […]

Huge Garage Sale Keeps Husbands Up Late
Springfield, MO – Hundreds of husbands stayed up late tagging assorted and various items of a crap spectrum preparing for the nation’s largest garage sale last week. Wives across the area thought it would be good to clean out the house and go out big with a mega event. “Yeah, so Shirley said we could […]

Polar Vortex Disease Blamed for Sick Days
Springfield, MO – Citing inhumane weather and uncomfortable feelings caused by decreased temperatures, hundreds of people across the Ozarks have called in sick prompting the World Health Organization to identify this new ailment as Polar Vortex Disease, or PVD. “I’ve battled PVD ever since I first heard of the polar vortex,” said Amanda Sitherton, “once […]

Prisoners Volunteer for Firing Squad
Springfield, MO – Following the introduction of House Bill 1470 by Rep. Rick Brattin, R-Harrisonville, hundreds of prisoners have volunteered to take place in firing squads if they are brought back to Missouri. In fact, an overwhelming majority of volunteers are interested in pulling the trigger to perform the executions. “Hey man, I’d be perfect […]

Duck Walks, Stops, Then Walks Again
Springfield, MO – According to witnesses, a duck walked, then stopped, then resumed walking near the small lake at Nathanial Greene Park. The duck was using both widdy-bitty feet to waddle across the grass and momentarily stopped before shuffle-wuffling along. “Awww…look at that!” said one old man pointing out the duck in motion. He continued […]