Cider Days’ Scarecrow Village Fight Over Brain

Scarecrows trash talk each other in anticipation of 2009 Cider Days

Scarecrows trash talk each other in anticipation of 2009 Cider Days

Springfield, MO—Cider Days marks the beginning of fall for most people living within the city limits. This weekend several thousand people will fill Walnut Street and greet the changing season with a cup of apple cider while taking in the arts and crafts native to the Ozarks area. Seldom few will notice the struggle for intelligence in the Scarecrow Village.

This year one brain, donated by the American Red Cross, has been strategically hidden along the path of sightseers, rubberneckers and lollygaggers walking the historic street, destined for one lucky hay brain. The village, located just east of the intersection of Walnut Street and John Q. Hammons Parkway, consists of multiple scarecrows designed by area businesses, service groups, churches, youth groups, schools and individuals and will be a hotbed of activity, debate and smack talk.

The 2007 Best of Show Scarecrow said, “I would dance and be merry, life would be a ding-a-derry, If I only had a brain.” The 2008 Best Use of Recycled Materials Scarecrow scoffed, “Oh, I could tell you why the ocean’s near the shore. I could think of things I never thunk before. And then I’d sit, and think some more!” Best Named Scarecrow for 2005 chided, “With the thoughts you’ll be thinkin’ you could be another Lincoln if you only had a brain.”

The scarecrows usually serve to heighten community awareness of various local groups and services, as well as provide an opportunity for the community to unite and share creative energy, spirit and pride; however, this year they will serve themselves as they compete for grey matter.

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