Hammons Tower Again Voted Springfield’s Tallest Building

The results of the annual “Best of 417” poll are in, and once again, residents have voted Hammons Tower the area’s tallest building. The 270-foot structure, which dwarfs the other greenhouses and barns nearby, won easily in its category. Tower namesake John Q. Hammons could not be reached for comment and is not expected to attend the awards ceremony.

Other winners this year include “Best Airport” (Springfield Regional Airport, which thoroughly trounced the lesser known Downtown Airport), “Best Zoo,” (Dickerson Park Zoo, which continues to lead over Exotic Animal Paradise), and “Best Price Cutter” (The Price Cutter on Republic Road, which won handily over the other Price Cutter next door on Republic Road).

The competition, created by 417 Magazine, is a popularity contest of sorts for area businesses, eateries, and other attractions. The results can range from the predictable (“Best Japanese Stroll Garden”: Mizumoto Japanese Stroll Garden) to the surprising (in the “Best Sinkhole” division, a relative newcomer, the sinkhole at West Division in front of Colorgraphic Printing, beat the older 75-foot Nixa Sinkhole). Occasionally a business can ‘sweep’ in several categories, as happened this year in the case of a home on East Atlantic that took both “Best Meth House” and “Best Puppy Mill.”

The least decisive category this year proved to be the “Best Springfield Cashew Chicken” contest, which ended in a 712-way tie, with each of the city’s 712 restaurants that offer this dish receiving one vote apiece.

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  1. admin says:

    duh, you have to vote on this?? its the only almost tall building in springfield.